DS18B20 as Z-Wave device

Discussions about Z-Way software and Z-Wave technology in general
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DS18B20 as Z-Wave device

Post by Kmicic »


Firstly, I am a newbie, so I hope for your understanding ;)

I have Z-Wave network in my home and I'm using Raspberry Pi + RaZberry. I also have DS18B20 sensors in my room which are connected to RPi and I would like to see them as Z-Wave devices.

Is there any possibility to see/control my sensors (and generally any GPIO device) as Z-Wave devices in Z-Wave Smart Home?

What should I do step by step?

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Re: DS18B20 as Z-Wave device

Post by SirFico »

Just some thoughts for you, although not really answering your question, as I have been mucking about with temp sensors and some z-wave switches with rpi and zway. What I was doing was to control things through a python program running on the rpi to get temperature readings and then to use 'requests' (i.e import requests - but there are other libraries you could use) to send a http string to the zway to switch a fan on and off. e.g send http://un:pw@RPiaddress:8083/ZWaveAPI/R ... c.Set(255) from the python program to switch a binary switch (a zwave mains plug) to on.

So maybe its best to use an external program to send commands to your zwave thingies via the zway API especially if you have a bunch of non zwaved sensors and the like.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2016 19:33

Re: DS18B20 as Z-Wave device

Post by Kmicic »

Thanks for your response!

I'm doing exactly what you wrote, but I would like to see my sensors on SmartHome page too. I'm using an application for my smartphone which shows devices in my home (only Z-Wave devices) and I need to see all modules, not Z-Wave only.

I think that I found a small hint: http://developer.z-wave.me/?uri=help
Am I right?
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