HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by 6ft6 »

Moved to the Homebridge HomeKit Zway plug-in and all is well.
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by lindm »

I have also tried the HomeBridge plugin but when I dim the light it usually jumps back to the old value and my door sensors are incorrectly detected as shutters. The tags you can set to configure devices have no effect.

The Homebridge plugin is unfortunately not maintained for 6 years and the new fork of jmichas does not change my problems.
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by hubert »

lindm wrote:
28 May 2023 19:54
I have also tried the HomeBridge plugin but when I dim the light it usually jumps back to the old value and my door sensors are incorrectly detected as shutters. The tags you can set to configure devices have no effect.

The Homebridge plugin is unfortunately not maintained for 6 years and the new fork of jmichas does not change my problems.
Had the same issue with dimmer levels jumping back to the old value with the jmichas fork, but have fixed in my copy of the plugin
Last edited by hubert on 30 May 2023 09:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by 6ft6 »

lindm wrote:
28 May 2023 19:54
I have also tried the HomeBridge plugin but when I dim the light it usually jumps back to the old value and my door sensors are incorrectly detected as shutters. The tags you can set to configure devices have no effect.

The Homebridge plugin is unfortunately not maintained for 6 years and the new fork of jmichas does not change my problems.
Luckily I only have switches that are on/off, outlets and window blinds so it all went well. I've only a few Zwave devices now as I've moved over to native HomeKit or Wi-Fi devices. I'm using the jmichas port as well.

Hope you can get it sorted.
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by lindm »

I can recommend everyone to install Home Assistant 2023.6 (Beta) and connect it with Zway integration. The HomeKit support of Home Assistant works perfectly.
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by markchang »

Sad to hear that I’m not the only one with big problems using HomeKit bridge since new architecture of HomeKit is here.

Anyone in zwave-me side can explain is if they works on it?

Planning for updates? Something? Is frustrating for us to have an hybrid system that lost part of his functionalities
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by PoltoS »

We are working on it, but it requires a lot of reverse engineering as there are no clear logs on the Appl side that could explain what they did not like. We are focused on this. Hope we chase that issue soon and release an update.
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by slytt »

Hi Poltos -
Your business is selling RPI pro and make z-wave network works flawlessly (this alone needs attention) .... please stop wasting ressources gapping and reverse engineering apple code..and make this statement.

To recommend anyone to move to Home Assistant + HK add on ? .... as this works flawlessly (so far) ...

Just maintaining this HA integration and possibly writting a tutorial about would help the community better in my opinion.. the HA community is better equipped to maintain the bridge and you are most appreciated maintaing the HA integration - my 2 cents
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by VickyPope »

you can try the following steps:

Check device connections and make sure they are working and connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the HomeKit gateway.

Restart the HomeKit gateway to try to fix the connection issue.

Ensure that devices and related software are updated to the latest to optimize compatibility.

Verify that the devices you want to connect are officially supported by HomeKit and compatible with the version of zway you are using.

Check network settings and make sure your iOS and HomeKit gateway are connecting to the same local network.

Turn off any firewalls or security software that may be blocking communication between iOS and the HomeKit gateway.

If that fails, try configuring HomeKit again and start the reset process from scratch.

Look up the documentation or join the zway user community to find solutions from experienced people.
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Re: HomeKit gate all devices show “no response”

Post by mcpat »

Can't fully agree. I bought Z-Wave almost 10 years ago because it is/was supporting homekit too. So in my opinion it's also their business, but yes, maybe it's better for them to support HomeAssistant and focus to support this solution.

When I bought the z-wave solution it was the best in my opinion (compared to the former zigbee and other solutions) because it was "easy" to have a smart home with less money. But now, there are several solutions (I also use) like Alexa, Google Home and Homekit. I want to be able to use it with all solutions and with using less "energy" to make it possible. In my opinion it's a complicated gui with a second (expert) gui. Some devices were not able to do a (complete) interview without modify of the xml file (not user friendly!).
In the time between starting with Z-Wave up to now I tried 3 different solutions (Mi, Aqara and Meross with HomeKit support). What I can say now, the best solution is Aqara because it's cheap, easy to install and fully HomeKit certified. You can get almost all devices (sensors, switches, detectors, ...). Aqara is now fully supporting the new standard Matter simply with a firmware update (now with Matter 1.0 only switches, door sensors and plugs, not smoke detectors for example, should be possible in a later stage what I read in the web) which makes it possible adding the hub and connected devices to Apple Home, Google Home and Alexa (I tested it this weekend, it's super easy to realize only with scanning a QR or entering the pin).
Conclusio: I will switch my old devices to Aqara in the future. But for now, I updated my Z-Wave system to HomeAssistant successfully.

Because I don't want touching a "running" system, my rpi 2 is running on Buster, I was able to install HomeAssistant with following steps as user root:

1. Installation of missing packages

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev autoconf build-essential libopenjp2-7 libtiff5 libturbojpeg0-dev tzdata liblapack3 liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev
2. Remove bluetooth if installed (otherwise compilation error)

Code: Select all

apt remove bluez
3. Remove ffmpeg if installed (otherwise compilation error)

Code: Select all

apt remove ffmpeg
4. Update to latest version of Python (3.11.4) (otherwise compilation error)
See here
I used

Code: Select all

./configure --enable-optimizations
make install
Compiling takes a long time!

5. Ensure all python links are set to the new python3.11
Check it with

Code: Select all

python -V
python3 -V
6. Update pip

Code: Select all

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
7. Update FFMPEG to version 5.1.3 (otherwise compilation error)
See here
I used only

Code: Select all

./configure --disable-static --enable-shared 
make install
Compiling takes a long time!

8. Update ha-av (otherwise compilation error)

Code: Select all

pip3.11 install --upgrade ha-av
9. Install botocore (otherwise compilation error)

Code: Select all

pip3 install git+https://github.com/boto/botocore
10. Install rust (otherwise compilation error)
See here

11. Update sqlite to 3.42.0 (otherwise compilation error)
See here
I used

Code: Select all

./configure --libdir=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
make install
Compiling takes a long time!

12. Installation of homeassistant
See here
I used following steps instead of the description in the link:

Code: Select all

sudo useradd -rm homeassistant -G dialout,gpio,i2c
sudo mkdir /opt/homeassistant
sudo chown homeassistant:homeassistant /opt/homeassistant
sudo -u homeassistant -H -s
cd /opt/homeassistant
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3.11 install --upgrade ha-av
python3 -m pip install wheel
pip3 install git+https://github.com/boto/botocore
pip3 install homeassistant==2023.8.3
and then start it with

Code: Select all

first start took a long time on my rpi 2.

13. Z-Wave
I decided to use Z-Wave.Me because I also want to use the z-way-server (v4.1.1) in parallel which I used with HomeKit up to the already known problem. Maybe I will switch to Z-Wave JS in a later stage, for now I am happy with the solution.

14. Homekit Bridge
See here for more informations

15. "Restart"
Go to Settings->System and click to the power button on the right upper corner. HomeAssistant will stop and don't restart. In the console you will see it. You are in the command prompt again. Now we are ready to setup the service in the next step.

16. autostart
I use systemd to make the start (and also for starting after reboot)
Create the file "homeassistant.service" at "/etc/systemd/system" with the content

Code: Select all

Description=Home Assistant

ExecStart=/opt/homeassistant/bin/hass -c "/root/.homeassistant"

Then try a restart with

Code: Select all

systemctl start homeassistant
you can check it with

Code: Select all

systemctl status homeassistant
If everything is running well, then enable the service with

Code: Select all

systemctl enable homeassistant
Maybe it helps other users which are also running an old distribution of linux and want to try HomeAssistant.
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