Home-Assistent Integration does not pick up Wallmote Quad

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Home-Assistent Integration does not pick up Wallmote Quad

Post by Nebukadneza »

Hi Dear ZWave.ME Community,

I’m in the process of prototyping/evaluating/playing-around with Z-Wave. I’m using a RPi4 with a RaZBerry 7 Pro. Among others, I have a Aeotec WallMote Quad (ZW130-C), which is making problems …

I can include the device fine using unsecured, it interviews to 100%, and adding it to a Z-Way dashboard, I can see the last button presses. When adding an association to a relay, that also works just fine.

However, finally I want everything in home-assistant, so I’m using the HA-Integration, running Z-Way using the official add-on + official integration. Other devices (a temp/humidity sensor and a Fibaro Walli switch) get created in HA just fine. The WallMote Quad, however, does not get created on the HA side whatever I do. I’ve tried restarting, rebooting, excluding/re-including (before/after reloading or restarting or removing/re-adding the integration), but nothing works.

Then I set the HA log to debug, but during inclusion or reload of the integration, nothing pops up. The Z-Way log for inclusion is here:
https://nopaste.ghostdub.de/?5811d05458 ... GraSJBQnKf

The versions are:
Firmware version v4.1.0
UI version v1.15.1
Built date 03-05-2023 00:36:45

Home Assistant 2023.9.3
Supervisor 2023.10.0
Operating System 10.5
Frontend 20230911.0 - latest

Is there anything I can further debug, or otherwise do, to get the device to show up on the HA side?

Thank you & Best Regards,
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Re: Home-Assistent Integration does not pick up Wallmote Quad

Post by PoltoS »


The current integration does not handle remote controls.

You can workaround it by creating virtual devices (dummy) in Z-Way and binding buttons to those dummies. Dummies will be exported in HA as usual Switches or Dimmers.

We are evaluating the improvement of the HA integration. Could you please let us know how would you love to see buttons in HA? As some specific type of devices or as notifications? As screen/detailed description would help us to improve our integration
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