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Z-Uno C++ compiler restrictions / enhancement policy

Posted: 14 Apr 2018 23:03
by charly.clement

Restrictions List
Is there an (exhaustive) list available, describing the restrictions applicable to the C++ compiler ?
I think in particular of :
- class/function templates
- static constant members in class
- implicit/explicit casting up, down, of pointers to classes, to inherited classes
- parameters passing of pointer to classes, to inherited classes in a polymorphic way (classes containing virtual functions)

Enhancement policy
Is the goal of the compiler to support more and more c++ compatibilities / features ?
If yes, is it a good practice to submit issues each time we encounter a restriction ?
Is there an approximative "red line" we could "feel", below which we can consider a compiler problem as an issue, and above which, an assumed restriction ?

Thank's in advance for answers/ideas.
Charly C.