Binary sensor on HC1 does not work

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Binary sensor on HC1 does not work

Post by Manurev »

Hello good evening.
-.I can't get the Binary Sensor to work.-
Well, I wanted to comment that I have not been able to do work the Binary Sensor in the Z-Uno V2.0, for the HC-1.YUBII Home from Fibaro. Version 5.150.18. Similar to HC-3. I can't get it to work. I have tried all the possible arguments, in the "Return" in a simple sketch, for example. "Simple sensor." From Z-Wave Me.

Arguments. LOW, HIGH, 1, 0, 00, ff, ffff, 0xff, I've tried everything.
From value 0 to 255 Decimal too.
And the little man, it doesn't change, the sensor, it always says that there has been no change. He doesn't even flinch, he doesn't do anything. Does not communicate changes.
Is there some essential condition that I am missing? What am I doing wrong? I've tried everything.
Also say that I have created other channels, such as the Binary Switch, and the Multilevel Sensor, and they work perfectly.
The same thing happened to me last year with another Z-Uno v2 module, and with another version of the previous Fibaro software, and I couldn't make it work, I had to create binary switches, when in my project they are only binary sensors. I don't understand.
I still don't know much about Z-Wave but I use the command
Should I use other types of commands? as
zunoSendToGroupSetValueCommand(CTRL_GROUP_1, SWITCH_ON); ?
I don't know much or almost anything about how these commands work. Are they necessary? Is Z1 sending a "command class", which Fibaro does not understand?
I'm desperate with this, I would appreciate some help.
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Re: Binary sensor on HC1 does not work

Post by PoltoS »

I would assume, your HC has not set up the Association correctly. Please use a Multi-channel Association in group #1 to the controller.

If it does not help, please write to support with more details and screenshots, they will guide you. I'm sure it works.
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Re: Binary sensor on HC1 does not work

Post by Manurev »

Thanks for the reply.
Here I show you how the associations have been generated, automatically according to the sketch. Keep in mind that I have had to advance the project, and I have already created other channels (which work fine), and expanded the sketch. Likewise, the binary sensor still does not work. I don't know if the associations have been created correctly. Should I contact support?

Punto final 0 Grupo 1 controller (singlechannel)

Punto final 0 Grupo 1 controller (multichannel)

State Not detected.

Alarm zones Not used.
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Re: Binary sensor on HC1 does not work

Post by PoltoS »

Please send your sketch to the support with a detailed explanation and reference to this post.They will try to reproduce it and check
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