IT Language

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Joined: 22 Mar 2014 15:23

IT Language

Post by SolarFlor »

Hi Poltos,
do you believe we could try to add IT language to the expert UI?
transl.jpg (38.88 KiB) Viewed 6372 times
Posts: 2053
Joined: 08 Apr 2012 13:44

Re: IT Language

Post by pz1 »

There are a great number of different language files inside Z-Way. For the Expert UI screen that you show, you would need to translate the following 344 lines of text (actually the text after yhe colon (:)) There are similarly stuctured files for other UI's, but also for modules that can have individual translations.

IIRC if there is only a partial translation for a language, the system defaults to English for the missing terms. So it is pretty harmless to give it a try. But, as you said, it would indeed be good to liaise with PoltoS.

Code: Select all

    "--- missing": "---",
     "--- ": "---",
    "value_changed_to": "Value was changed to",
    "value_not_stored_indevice": "but not stored in device yet.",
    "device_changed_configuration": "Device changed configuration but some values are not written. Wait for device to wake up.",
    "error_handling_data_remote": "Could not retrieve data from remote server.",
    "loading_data_remote": "Loading data from the remote server...",
    "licence": "License",
    "error_404_licence_key": "License key not found.",
    "error_no_licence_key": "Unable to verify the License Key",
    "verifying_licence_key": "Verifying the License Key",
    "success_licence_key": "License key successfully verified",
    "licence_key_verification": "License key verification",
    "licence_key_insert": "Insert your license key",
    "licence_key_get": "Get a license Key",
    "btn_licence_verify": "Verify",
    "btn_licence_buy": "Buy extension",
    "upgrading_capabilities": "Upgrading capabilities",
    "error_no_capabilities": "Unable to upgrade capabilities",
    "success_capabilities": "Capabilities successfully upgraded",
    "upgrade_bootloader": "Upgrade bootloader",
    "upgrade_bootloader_proccess": "Upgrading, please wait...",
    "upgrade_firmware": "Upgrade firmware",
    "upgrade_firmware_proccess": "Upgrading firmware. Please wait...",
    "noavailable_firmware_update": "Your stick uses the latest firmware",
    "success_bootloader_update": "Bootloader was successfully updated. Please reload the page.",
    "error_bootloader_update": "An error occured while updating the bootloader.",
    "success_firmware_update": "Firmware was successfully updated. Please reload the page.",
    "error_firmware_update": "An error occured while updating the firmware.",
    "timing_color_description": "Decoding the color values of the response time of the device",
    "timing_green": "the response time is not beyond the allowable range.",
    "timing_black": "controller was not able to reach the given node with 3 attempts and tried a different route that finally worked.",
    "timing_red": "the communication finally failed after some re-routing attempts.",
    "licence_upgrade_info": "Your Z-Wave transceiver contains an firmware internal capability management that can enable/disable certain functions for the hardware. This include the maximum number of devices controllable or other function enhancements.",
     "licence_upgrade_key":"If you have acquired a licensing key for such an function enhancement you may include this key here to extend the functions and capabilities of  Z-Way.",
     "licence_upgrade": "License Upgrade",
    "upgrade_bootloader_firmware": "Firmware Update",
    "txt_uzb_info": "The firmware of your Z-Wave transceiver is upgradable using this interface. You should only perform an upgrade if asked by support. its possible that certain firmware upgrade require to upgrade the board loader part of the firmare first. ",
    "device_security_interview": "Security interview",
    "txt_assoc_removed": "removed associated devices",
    "nm_suc_sis_title": "SUC/SIS management",
    "nm_get_suc_nodeid": "Get SUC node Id",
    "nm_suc_not_present": "No SUC/SIS present",
    "nm_request_network_update": "Request network updates from SUC/SIS",
    "nm_start_suc": "Assign SUC",
    "nm_start_sis": "Assign SIS",
    "nm_stop_suc_sis": "Disable SUC/SIS",
    "nm_start_suc_on_node": "on node",
    "th_vendor": "Vendor",
    "th_product": "Product",
    "nm_restore_pick_up": "Pick up the file",
    "apply_config_into_device": "Save this parameter",
    "nm_frequency_title": "Operating frequency Change",
    "language_select_reload_interface": "Please reload the page to apply changes",
    "thermostat_mode_change": "Change mode",
    "assoc_remove_from": "Remove association from",
    "device_reset_locally": "Device reset locally",
    "no_device_reset_locally": "No device reset locally",
    "nav_active_associations": "Active associations",
    "assoc_select_to_instance": "Select a Instance",
    "device_is_dead": "Device seems to be dead",
    "device_is_active": "Device is currently awake",
    "no_zddx_file": "No configuration file",
    "are_you_sure_remove_node": "Are you sure to want like to delete device",
    "inspect_queue_empty": "queue is empty",
    "error_handling_data": "Error handling data",
    "device_interview_stage_not_complete": "Device interview stage is not complete",
    "restore_wait": "Restoring data. Please wait...",
    "restore_done_reload_ui": "Recovery completed! Please reload the page",
    "restore_backup_failed": "Upload or restore of backup has failed",
    "nm_last_included_device": "Last included Device:",
    "rt_header_update_time": "Updated",
    "th_ddr": "DDR",
    "th_ddr_tip": "Device Description Record",
    "btn_zddx_create": "ZDDX Code Creator",
    "nav_associations": "Associations",
    "th_assoc_group_name": "Assoc group name",
    "btn_show_lifeline": "Show lifeline",
    "btn_hide_lifeline": "Hide lifeline",
    "btn_change": "Change",
    "txt_homepage_promo": "<p>This complete Static Z-Wave Plus Controller is certified under No ZC10-14110009 in November 2014. Certification includes both the Z-Wave Controller stack and this Expert User Interface.</p><p>The controller supports all certified Z-Wave devices in the market, namely those listed in the device data base <a href=\"\"></a>.</p><p>For these devices the controller will use some meta data such as image orconfiguration option. However it is also possible to control Z-Wave compatible devices not listed in this database. Please refer to the device manual for configuration and usage information.</p> <p>You can download the full users manual from <a href=\"\"></a></p>",
    "txt_devices_present": "devices present",
    "txt_network_info": "Network Information",
    "txt_devices_mains": "devices are mains powered",
    "txt_devices_battery": "devices are battery powered",
    "txt_devices_flirs": "devices are FLIRS",
    "txt_net_health": "Network Health",
    "txt_notes": "Notes",
    "txt_device": "Device",
    "txt_low_battery": "has low battery",
    "txt_interview_not": "interview is not complete",
    "txt_failed": "is failed",
    "txt_controller_delete_node": "The controller will delete the node from the network without any further action. This process may take up to a minute.",
    "nav_help": "Z-Wave Device Problems",
    "device_name": "Device name",
    "switches_update_all": "Update all",
    "th_instance": "Instance",
    "th_command_class": "CommandClass",
    "th_command_param": "Command / Parameter",
    "th_timeout": "Timeout",
    "th_nodeid": "NodeId",
    "th_description": "Description",
    "th_progress": "Progress",
    "th_buffer": "Buffer",
    "th_result": "Result",
    "txt_queue_length": "Queue length",
    "type_mains": "Mains",
    "type_battery": "Battery",
    "type_battery_wakup": "Battery/Wakeup",
    "type_flirs": "FLIRS",
    "type_remote": "Remote",
    "btn_save": "Save",
    "btn_cancel": "Cancel",
    "btn_select": "Select",
    "nm_last_excluded_device_from_foreign_network": "Device excluded from foreign network",
    "nm_excluded_from_network": "excluded from network",
    "nav_home": "Home",
    "nav_control": "Control",
    "nav_switch": "Switch",
    "nav_sensors": "Sensors",
    "nav_meters": "Meters",
    "nav_thermostat": "Thermostat",
    "nav_locks": "Locks",
    "nav_device": "Device",
    "nav_status": "Status",
    "nav_battery": "Battery",
    "nav_type_info": "Type info",
    "nav_firmware_update": "Firmware update",
    "nav_security_status": "Security status",
    "nav_configuration": "Configuration",
    "nav_device_interview": "Interview",
    "nav_device_configuration": "Configuration",
    "nav_device_assoc": "Association",
    "nav_wakeup": "Wakeup",
    "nav_protection": "Protection",
    "nav_configuration_config": "Configuration config",
    "nav_network": "Network",
    "nav_routing": "Routing",
    "nav_reorganization": "Reorganization",
    "nav_timing_info": "Timing Info",
    "nav_expert": "Expert",
    "nav_controller_info": "Controller Info",
    "nav_expert_commands": "Expert commands",
    "h1_sensor": "Sensor data",
    "h1_configuration_for": "Configuration for",
    "h1_configuration_no_device": "No device selected",
    "txt_config_select": "Choose Device to configure on dropdown list above",
    "th_level": "Level",
    "th_scale": "Scale",
    "th_switchall": "Switch all",
    "th_sleeping": "Sleeping",
    "th_awake": "Awake",
    "th_security": "Security",
    "th_zwaveplus": "Z-Wave Plus",
    "th_node": "Node",
    "th_type": "Type",
    "th_total": "Total",
    "th_ok": "Ok",
    "th_battery_type": "Battery type",
    "th_battery_count": "Num of  batteries",
    "th_lastpackets": "Last packets (in 10 ms units)",
    "th_sdk": "SDK",
    "th_appversion": "App version",
    "th_mwief": "NWI & EF",
    "th_mwief_tip": "Network Wide Inclusion and Explorer Frame",
    "btn_update": "Update",
    "btn_update_from_device": "Update from Device",
    "btn_full": "Full",
    "btn_all_off": "All off",
    "btn_all_on": "All on",
    "btn_checkall": "Check all",
    "btn_plus": "+",
    "btn_minus": "-",
    "btn_save_name": "Save name",
    "btn_open": "Open",
    "btn_close": "Close",
    "btn_secure": "Secure",
    "btn_unsecure": "Unsecure",
    "btn_different_device": "Select a different device",
    "btn_switched_up": "Up",
    "btn_switched_down": "Down",
    "yes": "YES",
    "no": "NO",
    "no_device_image": "No device image",
    "footer_text": "&COPY; 2014 by Z-Wave.Me",
    "unknown_device_type": "Unknown device type",
    "txt_inspect_queue": "The inspect queue will open a second window to allow monitoring the commands sent out by this controller.",
    "command_class": "Command Class",
    "zwave_role_type": "Z-Wave+ Role Type",
    "nm_device_management": "Device Management",
    "nm_net_maintance": "Network Maintenance",
    "nm_replace_node": "Replace failed node",
    "nm_ctrl_maintance": "Controller Maintenance",
    "nm_force_unsecure": "Force unsecure inclusion",
    "nm_controller_reset_war": "The Controller Reset will delete all included devices from your network without excluding them. You will need to manually exclude and include all of them. Do you really want to do this ? ",
    "nm_replace_node_war": "Pick a node of a failed device. After hitting the button you can include a new device right with this Node ID.",
    "nm_remove_node_war": "Pick the failed node from the list and remove it from the network configuration. This will take about one minute to complete.",
    "nm_mark_node_war": "Mains powered nodes are marked as failed automatically. Battery powered device you need to mark yourself in order to remove or replace them. Handle with care.",
    "nm_change_controller_war": "This starts an inclusion process for a new controller. This new controller will become the new primary controller of your network.",
    "nm_learn_mode_war": "This modes allows this controller to enter and leave a different network as normal node.",
    "nm_nif_all_war": "This functions run over all existing nodes and asked for a NIF. You can also call a NIF for each individual device using the [configuration tab]",
    "nm_chip_reboot_war": "This button resets the serial communication between the controller software and the Z-Wave transceiver firmware. Its save to use",
    "nm_chip_reset_war": "This resets the whole network and deletes all reference s to existing devices. Handle with extreme care.",
    "nm_mark_node_war_modal": "The controller will check if the node is awake and then mark it as failed. This process will take about 30 seconds. You can then remove the node if needed using the \"Remove Failed Node\" function",
    "nm_controller_state_0": "Controller is in normal mode",
    "nm_controller_state_1": "Ready to include. Press a button on the device to be (re-)included.",
    "nm_controller_state_2": "Device found, please wait...",
    "nm_controller_state_3": "Including device, please wait...",
    "nm_controller_state_4": "Device included.",
    "nm_controller_state_5": "Ready to exclude. Press a button on the device to be removed.",
    "nm_controller_state_6": "Device found, please wait...",
    "nm_controller_state_7": "Device excluded.",
    "nm_controller_state_8": "Ready to be (re-)included in the network.",
    "nm_controller_state_9": "(Re-)inclusion started.",
    "nm_controller_state_10": "Controller found, please wait...",
    "nm_controller_state_11": "(Re-)including myself in network, please wait...",
    "nm_controller_state_12": "Controller was (re-)included in network.",
    "nm_controller_state_13": "Ready to include new primary. Press a button on the device to be included.",
    "nm_controller_state_14": "Device found, please wait...",
    "nm_controller_state_15": "Including new primary, please wait...",
    "nm_controller_state_16": "Device included as primary.",
    "nm_controller_state_17": "Canceling.",
    "nm_controller_state_18": "Replace Failed Node process started.",
    "nm_controller_state_19": "Replace Failed Node ready to include replacement device.",
    "nm_controller_state_20": "Controller Reset to Default.",
    "nm_controller_sis_or_primary": "The controller is ready to include and exclude devices from the network.",
    "nm_controller_not_sis_or_primary": "The controller is only a secondary controller in the network and can not include/exclude devices.",
    "---": "---",
    "ctrl_info_nodeid_title": "Node Id:",
    "ctrl_info_homeid_title": "Home Id:",
    "ctrl_info_primary_title": "Primary Role:",
    "ctrl_info_real_primary_title": "Primary Capability:",
    "ctrl_info_suc_sis_title": "SUC/SIS in network:",
    "ctrl_info_hw_title": "Hardware",
    "ctrl_info_hw_vendor_title": "Vendor:",
    "ctrl_info_hw_product_title": "Vendors Product ID:",
    "ctrl_info_hw_chip_title": "Z-Wave Chip:",
    "ctrl_info_sw_title": "Firmware",
    "ctrl_info_sw_lib_title": "Library Type:",
    "ctrl_info_sw_sdk_title": "SDK Version:",
    "ctrl_info_sw_api_title": "Serial API Version:",
    "ctrl_info_data": "Show controller data",
    "ctrl_info_device_data": "Show controller's device data",
    "ctrl_info_func_list_title": "Functions:",
    "ctrl_info_role_title": "Role in Network",
    "device_description_brand": "Brand",
    "device_description_product": "Product",
    "device_description_app_version": "Application version",
    "device_description_sdk_version": "SDK version",
    "device_description_description": "Description",
    "device_description_device_type": "Device type",
    "device_description_inclusion_note": "To (re-)include",
    "device_description_wakeup_note": "To wake up",
    "nm_backup_title": "Backup and Restore",
    "nm_suc_not_present": "No SIS present",
    "nm_backup_download": "Create Backup",
    "nm_restore_backup_upload": "Restore",
    "nm_soft_reset_controller": "Reset API",
    "nm_reset_controller": "Controller Factory Default",
    "nm_include_start": "Start Inclusion",
    "nm_include_stop": "Stop Inclusion",
    "nm_exclude_start": "Start Exclusion",
    "nm_exclude_stop": "Stop Exclusion",
    "nm_learn_start": "Start Learn Mode",
    "nm_learn_stop": "Stop Learn Mode",
    "nm_inspect_queue_title": "View Job Queue",
    "ctrl_info_sw_rev_title": "Z_Way Software Information",
    "ctrl_info_sw_rev_ver_title": "Version number:",
    "ctrl_info_sw_rev_id_title": "Compile-ID:",
    "ctrl_info_sw_rev_date_title": "Compile-Date:",
    "nm_send_node_information": "Send Controller NIF",
    "reorg_title": "Network-Reorganisation",
    "reorg_mains_powered": "Mains powered devices",
    "reorg_battery_powered": "Battery operated devices",
    "reorg_start": "Start",
    "reorg_download_log": "Download Log",
    "sensor_idle": "Idle",
    "sensor_triggered": "Triggered",
    "nm_learn_mode_empty_network": "You have no devices included yet. You can start creating your network with this controller as primary or include this controller in existing network.",
    "nm_learn_mode_you_are_primary_and_sis": "Controller is primary in the network. It is in a special SIS mode and so any controller in the network can add and remove devices to/from the network.",
    "nm_learn_mode_you_are_primary_no_sis": "Controller is primary in the network. It is the only that can add and remove devices to/from the network.",
    "nm_learn_mode_you_are_secondary_can_add": "Controller is secondary in the network. Your primary controller is in a special SIS mode and so this and any other controller in the network can still add and remove devices to/from the network.",
    "nm_learn_mode_you_are_secondary_can_not_add": "Controller is secondary in the network. It can not add/remove devices to/from the network. Use your primary controller to add new devices and delete old.",
    "device_rename_tooltip": "Rename Device",
    "config_ui_request_node_info": "Call for NIF",
    "config_ui_force_interview": "Force Interview",
    "config_ui_show_interview_results": "View Interview Result",
    "config_ui_select_xml": "Select Device Description",
    "association_group": "Association Group",
    "associations_list": "List of Association groups",
    "update_from_device": "Update from Device",
    "apply_config": "Save into Device",
    "assoc_info_from": "Info from",
    "assoc_add_title": "Add Device to Group",
    "assoc_confirm_remove": "Remove Device from Group",
    "fassoci_remove_from": "from",
    "dialog_abort": "Abort",
    "dialog_add": "Add",
    "dialog_remove": "Remove",
    "assoc_select_to_node": "Select Device",
    "assoc_max": "maximum",
    "assoc_nodes": "devices",
    "to_locate": "to",
    "fro": "from",
    "interview_results_dialog_title": "Interview Results",
    "interview_results_title": "Interview Results",
    "select_zddx_help": "Manually pick a matching device description",
    "inspect_queue_legend_title": "Legend",
    "inspect_queue_legend_help": "n = Send count, W = Wait wakeup, S = Wait security, E = Encapsulated, D = Done, U = Urgent",
    "reset": "Reset",
    "datetime": "Date",
    "update": "Update",
    "switched_off": "Off",
    "switched_on": "On",
    "tab_routing_table_title": "Routing Table",
    "rt_header_node_id": "Id",
    "rt_headerupdate_time": "Time",
    "nm_remove_failed": "Remove Failed Node",
    "nm_mark_battery_as_failed": "Mark Battery Device as failed",
    "nm_controller_change_start": "Start Controller Change",
    "nm_controller_change_stop": "Stop Controller Change",
    "nm_request_all_node_information": "Call NIF from all devices",
    "device_node_id": "Device Id",
    "device_node_name": "Device Name",
    "Sensortyp": "Devicetype",
    "device_description_interview": "Interview-Status",
    "device_sleep_state": "Wireless Activity",
    "device_interview_stage_done": "Interview complete",
    "device_interview_stage_failed": "active",
    "device_is_operating": "active",
    "device_is_sleeping": "deep sleep",
    "wakeup_list": "Wakeup Settings",
    "configurations_list": "Configuration Settings",
    "protection_list": "Protection Settings",
    "switchall_list": "Switch All- Settings",
    "default_value_is": "Default value is",
    "conf_apply_battery": "Battery device must be woken up to activate changed settings",
    "are_you_sure_restore": "Are your sure ot overwrite the network configuration. Have you created a backup ?",
    "switch_point_temp": "Temperature",
    "device_is_not_fully_interviewed": "Device interview is not complete",
    "restore_backup_chip": "Also restore network topology information (please read the user manual first!)",
    "device_disappeared": "Device removed from network",
    "rt_associated": "Direct association",
    "ie_last_element": "just to remember, that IE do not like trailing comma (,) at the end the list of associative array elements"
Posts: 261
Joined: 22 Mar 2014 15:23

Re: IT Language

Post by SolarFlor »

it would be nice to have a file to edit.
Posts: 2053
Joined: 08 Apr 2012 13:44

Re: IT Language

Post by pz1 »

They are on your Raspberri Pi in several places, and with different extensions unfortunately.

The one I mentioned is in /opt/z-way-server/htdocs/expert/app/core/lang

In /opt/z-way-server/htdocs/translations, there are a series of xml files that do contain translations. Translating those require extreme care, because the xml structure is easily ruined by a typo.
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