Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

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Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

Post by cdogg76 »


Since upgrading to 2.3.8, I'm finding that some of my devices are not displaying the Interview page correctly in the ExpertUI. For whatever reason, sometimes my devices will lose their entire interview and only show Command Class Basic. In this case, I need to Call for NIF and then Force Interview to fix it. (Any idea why I'm losing interviews?) When I have to click into "View Interview Result" to see if that has happened, it becomes quite tedious to check on all my devices.

For the problematic Interview displays, it shows only "Device Name" and the "Interview" percentage bar. In case it's helpful, here's the basic device data from my zddx file of one of the affected devices. I believe it is for all of my dimmer wall switches:

Code: Select all

 <device id="14">
  <data name="devices.14.data" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568131" type="empty" value="null">
   <data name="basicType" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="int" value="4"/>
   <data name="genericType" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="int" value="18"/>
   <data name="specificType" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="int" value="0"/>
   <data name="infoProtocolSpecific" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="int" value="13868032"/>
   <data name="deviceTypeString" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="string" value=""/>
   <data name="isVirtual" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568131" type="bool" value="false"/>
   <data name="isListening" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="bool" value="true"/>
   <data name="isRouting" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="bool" value="true"/>
   <data name="isAwake" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568135" type="bool" value="true"/>
   <data name="optional" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="bool" value="true"/>
   <data name="isFailed" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575107" type="bool" value="false"/>
   <data name="sensor250" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="bool" value="false"/>
   <data name="sensor1000" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575108" type="bool" value="false"/>
   <data name="neighbours" invalidateTime="1547372405" updateTime="1547575681" type="binary" value="[ 04 05 06 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1a 1c 1d 1f
20 21 25 26 27 29 2b 2c 2f 30 31 32 33 34 36 ]"/>
   <data name="manufacturerId" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568141" type="int" value="335"/>
   <data name="vendorString" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568141" type="string" value="Nortek Security &amp; Control LLC "/>
   <data name="manufacturerProductType" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568141" type="int" value="21591"/>
   <data name="manufacturerProductId" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568141" type="int" value="12339"/>
   <data name="ZWLib" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568140" type="int" value="6"/>
   <data name="ZWProtocolMajor" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568140" type="int" value="3"/>
   <data name="ZWProtocolMinor" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568140" type="int" value="42"/>
   <data name="SDK" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568140" type="string" value="4.54.01"/>
   <data name="applicationMajor" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568140" type="int" value="5"/>
   <data name="applicationMinor" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568140" type="int" value="41"/>
   <data name="nodeInfoFrame" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568131" type="binary" value="[ 87 25 26 27 85 70 86 72 ef 20 26 ]"/>
   <data name="fullNodeInfoFrame" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568131" type="empty" value="null"/>
   <data name="ZDDXMLFile" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568144" type="string" value="485-014f-5457-3033-06-03-2a-05-29.xml"/>
   <data name="lastReceived" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547401368" type="int" value="0"/>
   <data name="keepAwake" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575105" type="bool" value="false"/>
   <data name="queueLength" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568131" type="int" value="0"/>
   <data name="givenName" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1528568148" type="string" value="Kitchen 2"/>
   <data name="interviewDone" invalidateTime="1528568130" updateTime="1547575105" type="bool" value="true"/>
   <data name="secureChannelEstablished" invalidateTime="1529038934" updateTime="1529038935" type="bool" value="false"/>

P.S. Any way to kill the accounts and all posts from the spammers?
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Re: Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

Post by PoltoS »

If the interview disappears, you should have a corresponding note in the log. Do you see something?
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Re: Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

Post by cdogg76 »

I have no idea when the interviews disappear, so it's hard to track that down. I'll try to figure it out next time it happens. Any hints at strings to search for?

Any idea on why the interview page in the Configuration tab of Expert UI doesn't populate for some devices? The interviews themselves are intact, but the page doesn't display properly (missing everything except the device name and the interview completion percentage bar).

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Re: Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

Post by PoltoS »

There was a bug in 2.3.8. check three commits on Dec 2 and 3:
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Re: Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

Post by cdogg76 »

Is there some way that I can apply those changes? I tried editing /opt/z-way-server/htdocs/expert/app/js/build.js, but it didn't seem to help.

Also, where can I get 3.0.0 RC's and perhaps instructions on upgrading? I'm running Razberry.

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Re: Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

Post by PoltoS »

You can checkout the GitHub repository instead of the existing expert folder.

v3.0.0 is in .deb package in the same storage
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Re: Z-way 2.3.8 isn't displaying Configuration Interview info properly for some devices

Post by cdogg76 »


I'm using the Razberry and have always just updated to the latest using the instructions posted on the main site. I'm not familiar with manually updating using a package.

Are there instructions on how to do that? I assume I need to pull down "z-way-server-RaspberryPiXTools-v3.0.0-rc17.tgz"?

Or, you mention the .deb packages which have newer versions than this... Is there some way for me to extract what I need from the .deb package to apply to my Raspberry Pi installation?

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